
10552497_518725561562678_6600517336276831649_nI am an Iranian-born girl who loves to travel and learn new things from other cultures with eclectic interests in art, literature, vintage cars, cooking, painting, marketing and history! I have degree in Fashion marketing, easily get excited with creative things and always love to put my own twist on anything! I believe that little knowledge is dangerous and my main purpose is to show truthful and colourful side of Iranian culture to the world which might be quiet different than what media are usually do!
Sepidawn is a combination of my Iranian name and It’s meaning in english, My full name is Sepideh which means Dawn! as simple as that! Basically, my blog is all a bout: Iranian artistry, culture and Cuisine!
         ♥ ♥ ♥
Let’s Keep in Touch!
If you want to just say hi, or, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please do not hesitate to tell me here!
Cheers ♥

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